It should be entertaining to watch "progressives" circle the wagons and collectively express their faux-outrage over Bush's decision to commute Scooter Libby's prison sentence. I am particularly looking forward to watching these disingenuous ass-clowns attempt to equivocate and distinguish Bush's actions from those of his predecessors, most notably Slick Willie.
Apparently, Hillary Clinton has absolutely no shame.
That's especially rich - considering Bill & Hillary's involvement in "Pardongate" - when Slick Willie commuted Carlos Vignali's sentence for cocaine trafficking after he served 6 of 15 years in federal prison. Or when Clinton pardoned Almon Glenn Braswell of his mail fraud and perjury convictions, while a federal investigation was underway regarding additional money laundering and tax evasion charges.
As if this wasn't bad enough - both Braswell and Carlos Vignali each paid approximately $200,000 to Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham, to represent their respective cases for clemency.
Then there's the pardon of Bill's half-brother, Roger, on drug charges. And let's not forget how Clinton commuted the sentences of those 16 members of FALN, the Puerto Rican terrorist group that set off over 100 bombs in the United States, which were responsible for 6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials.
The fact of the matter is that Libby was sentenced to a ridiculously long prison sentence for making a phone call to Tim Russert - the substance of which Russert has a different recollection of.
As Christopher Hitchens recently pointed out:
Apparently, Hillary Clinton has absolutely no shame.
"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.
That's especially rich - considering Bill & Hillary's involvement in "Pardongate" - when Slick Willie commuted Carlos Vignali's sentence for cocaine trafficking after he served 6 of 15 years in federal prison. Or when Clinton pardoned Almon Glenn Braswell of his mail fraud and perjury convictions, while a federal investigation was underway regarding additional money laundering and tax evasion charges.
As if this wasn't bad enough - both Braswell and Carlos Vignali each paid approximately $200,000 to Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham, to represent their respective cases for clemency.
Then there's the pardon of Bill's half-brother, Roger, on drug charges. And let's not forget how Clinton commuted the sentences of those 16 members of FALN, the Puerto Rican terrorist group that set off over 100 bombs in the United States, which were responsible for 6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials.
The fact of the matter is that Libby was sentenced to a ridiculously long prison sentence for making a phone call to Tim Russert - the substance of which Russert has a different recollection of.
As Christopher Hitchens recently pointed out:
Does it not seem extraordinary that a man can be prosecuted, and now be condemned to a long term of imprisonment, because of an alleged minor inconsistency of testimony in a case where it is admitted that there was no crime and no victim?
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