The Whole World has lost its god-damned mind. Part I
2 Comments Published by Ryan on 4/07/2007 at 5:44 PM.

I don't intend to reproduce, but if I did, I'd have serious concerns for the future of my offspring.
The whole freakin world is turning into a bunch of pansies. A better word would be "pu%%ies," but the thought of Gloria Steinem, Amanda Marcotte, and the rest of their feminist ilk burning bras and protesting outside my office might be more than I can bear.
This "pussification" of the world has never been more apparent than over the last two weeks, when - much like the schoolyard bully who steals your lunch money and then dangles it in front of your face - the Iranian military kidnapped 15 British sailors, all in an effort to subjugate and emasculate the Western world.
The Iranians knew that the British, much like the rest of Europe, could never stomach the idea of a military response to Iran's act of war. In today's postmodern, mulicultural Europe, once you resort to violence, you are ipso facto "in the wrong" - even when that violence is brought in self-defense. You see, responding tit-for-tat makes you no better than your aggressor, regardless of who was the instigator. We are instead lectured about "ending the cycle of violence" or "violence only brings more violence," or some other liberal excuse to act like a total pu@@y.
The simple truth is that liberal/postmodern Europe couldn't even man-up enough to threaten the use of force.
Its pathetic. And embarrassing. And even worse, it will prove extremely costly to Europe's citizens. Make no mistake, the Iranians knew exactly what they were doing, and they knew damn well that they had better not mistakenly kidnap American soldiers.
Why? Because putting his mutilation of the English language aside, there is one thing that George Walker Bush is not - and that is a pu@@y. The Iranians knew full well that Bush would have given Iran a simple ultimatim, and then would have proceeded to start kicking ass.
Look, the schoolyard bully doesn't steal lunch money from the kid with the crazy look in his eye - he takes it from the guy with the glasses who's wearing the cardigan and khakis.
Unfortunately, that's modern day Europe in a nutshell. They've prided themselves on being the sophisticated bunch who are above and beyond the need to resort to violence. For too long the U.S. has provided blanket security for all of Europe - so much so that instead of building and maintaning their own defense, Europe has built lavish, and now unmaintainable social programs.
Fortunately, what happened over the last two weeks was only a minor scuffle. Beside a few bruises to the collective European ego, everyone walked away pretty much unscathed. Pres. Ahmadinejad walked away as victor in all this. How could he not. His military entered into Iraqi waters and kidnapped British citizens. And Ahmadinejad then has the balls to pardon the hostages and later boast of his own clemency and compassion. Are you fking kidding me?
Things are going to get worse for Europe. Islamic fundies know that they can bully the hell out of Europe, and all they'll get in return is a bitchy little whine pleading for them to play nice.
The whole freakin world is turning into a bunch of pansies. A better word would be "pu%%ies," but the thought of Gloria Steinem, Amanda Marcotte, and the rest of their feminist ilk burning bras and protesting outside my office might be more than I can bear.
This "pussification" of the world has never been more apparent than over the last two weeks, when - much like the schoolyard bully who steals your lunch money and then dangles it in front of your face - the Iranian military kidnapped 15 British sailors, all in an effort to subjugate and emasculate the Western world.
The Iranians knew that the British, much like the rest of Europe, could never stomach the idea of a military response to Iran's act of war. In today's postmodern, mulicultural Europe, once you resort to violence, you are ipso facto "in the wrong" - even when that violence is brought in self-defense. You see, responding tit-for-tat makes you no better than your aggressor, regardless of who was the instigator. We are instead lectured about "ending the cycle of violence" or "violence only brings more violence," or some other liberal excuse to act like a total pu@@y.
The simple truth is that liberal/postmodern Europe couldn't even man-up enough to threaten the use of force.
Its pathetic. And embarrassing. And even worse, it will prove extremely costly to Europe's citizens. Make no mistake, the Iranians knew exactly what they were doing, and they knew damn well that they had better not mistakenly kidnap American soldiers.
Why? Because putting his mutilation of the English language aside, there is one thing that George Walker Bush is not - and that is a pu@@y. The Iranians knew full well that Bush would have given Iran a simple ultimatim, and then would have proceeded to start kicking ass.
Look, the schoolyard bully doesn't steal lunch money from the kid with the crazy look in his eye - he takes it from the guy with the glasses who's wearing the cardigan and khakis.
Unfortunately, that's modern day Europe in a nutshell. They've prided themselves on being the sophisticated bunch who are above and beyond the need to resort to violence. For too long the U.S. has provided blanket security for all of Europe - so much so that instead of building and maintaning their own defense, Europe has built lavish, and now unmaintainable social programs.
Fortunately, what happened over the last two weeks was only a minor scuffle. Beside a few bruises to the collective European ego, everyone walked away pretty much unscathed. Pres. Ahmadinejad walked away as victor in all this. How could he not. His military entered into Iraqi waters and kidnapped British citizens. And Ahmadinejad then has the balls to pardon the hostages and later boast of his own clemency and compassion. Are you fking kidding me?
Things are going to get worse for Europe. Islamic fundies know that they can bully the hell out of Europe, and all they'll get in return is a bitchy little whine pleading for them to play nice.
I don't think this is the 'pussification' of the world. The Iranians had no idea what they were trying to do with the British sailors, well they did but every person in their government had a different reason. If you look into it, it seems like there is a power struggle behind the scenes in Iran. Britian came out of this looking bad, but they didn't really have too many alternative methods of resolving this issue. They had a cobra meeting about it and I think they were prepared to take it to the next level if needed. But there is no reason to start a war everytime some country does something they shouldn't.
And by the way, what is wrong with feminist?
Thanks for the comment, though I don't think you give the Iranians enough credit - internal power struggle or not.
The fact of the matter is that the UK, and Europe as a whole (these were citizens of the EU), had a host of options at their disposal, i.e. sanctions, embargos, anything for that matter.
I have little confidence, if any, that the Brits were willing to "take this to the next level." In fact, I think the opposite is much more likely.
By refusing to handle this matter aggressively and decisively, the West has only emboldened Iran to commit further kidnappings/acts of war. (see the latest comments from Iranian mullahs).
And by the way, while feminism circa 1960s - '70s might have focused on equal rights and self-sufficiency, modern day feminism bares absolutely no resemblence to that movement. Rather, it consists of little more than childish demands for special assistance, with the implication of course that women are incapable of looking after themselves.