squandering my potential

The audacity of aging rockers

Neil Young, on coming to terms with the inconvenient truth that music cannot, in fact, save the world:
Canadian folk rock legend Neil Young said he has lost all hope that music can change the world, as he presented a documentary about his 2006 anti-war concert tour at the Berlin film festival on Friday.

"I know that the time when music could change the world is past. I really doubt that a single song can make a difference. It is a reality," Young told reporters.

"I don't think the tour had any impact on voters."

Maybe someone should let Young know that the only people who would go see a Neil Young concert these days are middle-aged baby boomers, who certainly aren't going to change their voting habits because of some Neil Young tirade about Chimpy McBushitler, made right before Young launches into an extended version of Rocking in the Free World

Everyone knows that the only morons who would vote based on the advice of a musician are teenagers and disaffected twenty-somethings, and they all happen to be Green Day fans. Impressionable teenagers don't have the slightest clue who the hell Neil Young is.

No word on whether Don McLean has finally discovered that music cannot, in fact, save your mortal soul.

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