It what has to be the biggest f#@king waste of time ever, countless (I actually stopped counting at four) lefty bloggers are painstakingly live-blogging Scooter Libby's perjury/obstruction trial.
I kid you not.
To quote the inestimable former heavyweight champion of the world - "Iron" Mike Tyson - one would think that after blowing this "scandal" completely out of proportion, the Left would be happy to let the Libby matter "fade into Bolivian."
Firedoglake, on the other hand, actually has pages, and pages, and pages of continuous updates for its drooling lefties from the "Trial of the Century."
Such gems include:
Its really quite cute when you think about it. Instead of their wet-dream fantasy of a Bush war crimes tribunal, the Left gets stuck with Scooter - who will likely walk on both perjury and obstruction of justice charges.
I kid you not.
To quote the inestimable former heavyweight champion of the world - "Iron" Mike Tyson - one would think that after blowing this "scandal" completely out of proportion, the Left would be happy to let the Libby matter "fade into Bolivian."
Firedoglake, on the other hand, actually has pages, and pages, and pages of continuous updates for its drooling lefties from the "Trial of the Century."
Such gems include:
Now both Fitz and Wells are trying to help her find it. She giggles. It's a funny picture, Bonamici, who looks to be about 5'7", with the 6'2" lawyers on each side of her. She normally looks very business like, but now they look all chummy and nice.
Sounds like Walton's cold is back. Jeffress, leaning against the defense table, they do not object.
Its really quite cute when you think about it. Instead of their wet-dream fantasy of a Bush war crimes tribunal, the Left gets stuck with Scooter - who will likely walk on both perjury and obstruction of justice charges.
What in the hell is going on ?????
Islamic jihadists hell-bent on restoring a global caliphate?
A potential nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel?
Giant meteor screaming toward Earth?
No, you say? Then what?

OHHHHH. That crisis. Nothing to see here folks.
Rest assured that once we're all living under sharia here in the United Islamic Republic of America, the jihadists are going to have a hell of a global warming crisis on their hands.
[the] single greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced.
- Ted Turner
Never before has all of civilization been threatened.
- Al Gore
Islamic jihadists hell-bent on restoring a global caliphate?
A potential nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel?
Giant meteor screaming toward Earth?
No, you say? Then what?

OHHHHH. That crisis. Nothing to see here folks.
Rest assured that once we're all living under sharia here in the United Islamic Republic of America, the jihadists are going to have a hell of a global warming crisis on their hands.
"Do as I say, not as I do."
So Nancy Pelosi, or as I affectionately call her - The Self-Appointed Most Powerful Woman on Earth - wants an airplane. Not just any plane mind you, but one that can ferry her entourage from San Francisco to Washington D.C. non-stop. I mean, who in their right mind would want to stop in, god forbid, Topeka, Kansas to re-fuel?
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculously stupid issue for Republicans to haggle over? I mean, if you really wanted to nail Pelosi (ew, gross) for her unabashed hypocrisy, there's lots of fodder for Republicans elsewhere.
For example:
As you probably know, Pelosi has supported requiring a minimum wage increase, except for large companies like Del Monte Foods Co. which are based in her home district.
Pelosi has received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farmworkers Union, in support of her "pro-union" policies, despite the fact that the $25 million Northern California vineyard she and her husband own is a non-union shop.
The Pelosis own a large stake in an exclusive hotel in Rutherford, California, which has more than 250 employees. The Pelosis are also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees.
NONE of these businesses are unionized.
Can anyone honestly say they're surprised that Pelosi, champion of global warming curtailment, now wants a jet-fuel guzzling, CO(2) spewing, government subsidized airliner to jet-set around the country.
I mean, this is the same Pelosi who's being chauffeured, in a SUV, to a Global Warming event.
The lady clearly has no shame.
So Nancy Pelosi, or as I affectionately call her - The Self-Appointed Most Powerful Woman on Earth - wants an airplane. Not just any plane mind you, but one that can ferry her entourage from San Francisco to Washington D.C. non-stop. I mean, who in their right mind would want to stop in, god forbid, Topeka, Kansas to re-fuel?
Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculously stupid issue for Republicans to haggle over? I mean, if you really wanted to nail Pelosi (ew, gross) for her unabashed hypocrisy, there's lots of fodder for Republicans elsewhere.
For example:
As you probably know, Pelosi has supported requiring a minimum wage increase, except for large companies like Del Monte Foods Co. which are based in her home district.
Pelosi has received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farmworkers Union, in support of her "pro-union" policies, despite the fact that the $25 million Northern California vineyard she and her husband own is a non-union shop.
The Pelosis own a large stake in an exclusive hotel in Rutherford, California, which has more than 250 employees. The Pelosis are also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees.
NONE of these businesses are unionized.
Can anyone honestly say they're surprised that Pelosi, champion of global warming curtailment, now wants a jet-fuel guzzling, CO(2) spewing, government subsidized airliner to jet-set around the country.
I mean, this is the same Pelosi who's being chauffeured, in a SUV, to a Global Warming event.
The lady clearly has no shame.
I’m not entirely sure what actually goes on at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, but one theme seems to persist every year - virulent anti-Americanism. In some ways, Davos has become a yearly get-together for world leaders, corporate executives, and other elitists to get together and air their perceived grievances against the United States.
What is it about Davos that brings out the anti-Americanism in people? Last year, Eason Jordan, former CNN executive, oft-handedly remarked that American soldiers were targeting journalists in Iraq. Once the transcripts surfaced, CNN went into full damage control mode. The remarks ultimately cost Jordan his job – and rightly so.
Just last week at Davos, Kerry slammed the foreign policy of the Bush administration, saying it has caused the United States to become “a sort of international pariah.” What better way to win over the Davos crowd than to placate to their anti-Americanism with a cheap-shot about U.S. foreign policy? Kerry disparaged this country - his country- before an international audience rabid in its anti-Americanism. His comments were undoubtedly splashed across front pages from Iran to North Korea. If John Kerry is so overly concerned with our international reputation, he certainly isn’t doing much to help on that front.
Criticizing the United States has somehow become the fashionable and chic thing to do these days, especially in front of foreign audiences. Just to be clear, no-one is suggesting that the United States should somehow be beyond reproach, but there is a fundamental difference between critiquing our methods of foreign policy and questioning our motives. More importantly, there’s a time and place to do these things, and it isn’t before the likes of former president of Iran, Ayatollah Khatami.
John Kerry has every right to criticize this Administration’s foreign policy, even more so when he’s here at home. But for a United States senator to condemn and disparage this country’s motives while overseas, before an audience of dictators, terrorist-supporters, and thugs, is completely inexcusable.
Last presidential election, Kerry was against the war before he was for it – or some other such nonsense. A few months ago, it was Kerry’s botched “joke” about how children should stay in school - or else wind up in Iraq. Over the past 2-3 years, no-one else has demonstrated such an astounding ability to routinely open mouth and insert foot.
In a blow to Republican presidential hopefuls everywhere, John Kerry recently stated he will not seek the Presidency in 2008. It’s a smart move - he had no chance. Regardless, John Kerry owes this country an apology, yet again.
What is it about Davos that brings out the anti-Americanism in people? Last year, Eason Jordan, former CNN executive, oft-handedly remarked that American soldiers were targeting journalists in Iraq. Once the transcripts surfaced, CNN went into full damage control mode. The remarks ultimately cost Jordan his job – and rightly so.
Just last week at Davos, Kerry slammed the foreign policy of the Bush administration, saying it has caused the United States to become “a sort of international pariah.” What better way to win over the Davos crowd than to placate to their anti-Americanism with a cheap-shot about U.S. foreign policy? Kerry disparaged this country - his country- before an international audience rabid in its anti-Americanism. His comments were undoubtedly splashed across front pages from Iran to North Korea. If John Kerry is so overly concerned with our international reputation, he certainly isn’t doing much to help on that front.
Criticizing the United States has somehow become the fashionable and chic thing to do these days, especially in front of foreign audiences. Just to be clear, no-one is suggesting that the United States should somehow be beyond reproach, but there is a fundamental difference between critiquing our methods of foreign policy and questioning our motives. More importantly, there’s a time and place to do these things, and it isn’t before the likes of former president of Iran, Ayatollah Khatami.
John Kerry has every right to criticize this Administration’s foreign policy, even more so when he’s here at home. But for a United States senator to condemn and disparage this country’s motives while overseas, before an audience of dictators, terrorist-supporters, and thugs, is completely inexcusable.
Last presidential election, Kerry was against the war before he was for it – or some other such nonsense. A few months ago, it was Kerry’s botched “joke” about how children should stay in school - or else wind up in Iraq. Over the past 2-3 years, no-one else has demonstrated such an astounding ability to routinely open mouth and insert foot.
In a blow to Republican presidential hopefuls everywhere, John Kerry recently stated he will not seek the Presidency in 2008. It’s a smart move - he had no chance. Regardless, John Kerry owes this country an apology, yet again.