squandering my potential

The Scandal That Wasn't

It what has to be the biggest f#@king waste of time ever, countless (I actually stopped counting at four) lefty bloggers are painstakingly live-blogging Scooter Libby's perjury/obstruction trial.

I kid you not.

To quote the inestimable former heavyweight champion of the world - "Iron" Mike Tyson - one would think that after blowing this "scandal" completely out of proportion, the Left would be happy to let the Libby matter "fade into Bolivian."

Firedoglake, on the other hand, actually has pages, and pages, and pages of continuous updates for its drooling lefties from the "Trial of the Century."

Such gems include:
Now both Fitz and Wells are trying to help her find it. She giggles. It's a funny picture, Bonamici, who looks to be about 5'7", with the 6'2" lawyers on each side of her. She normally looks very business like, but now they look all chummy and nice.

Sounds like Walton's cold is back. Jeffress, leaning against the defense table, they do not object.

Its really quite cute when you think about it. Instead of their wet-dream fantasy of a Bush war crimes tribunal, the Left gets stuck with Scooter - who will likely walk on both perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

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